Fly Responsibly With Green Skies

Quick and Easy Carbon Offsetting

Green Power Partnership

Renewable energy certificates (also known as renewable energy credits, or RECs) represent the energy generated by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. facilities. If you buy the REC, you are now the owner of that green power.

Purchasing REC’s is not equivalent to buying electricity. REC's allow you to claim that the electricity you use came from a source with low to zero emissions.

Green Atom REC’s are authentic and professionally generated and traded. Acquisition cost are volatile in the spot market and future markets and are subject to change. The REC traders are professionals with demonstrated expertise and we publish the cost of REC's as we buy them.

Our Program

Carbon offsets are reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) that compensate for emissions of CO2 that occur somewhere else. Carbon offsets are tools individuals and organizations can use as they make efforts to reduce their CO2 output and to counteract the emissions which they haven’t yet been able to eliminate themselves.

When you purchase carbon offsets, you are indirectly compensating others for the performing the service of removing your unavoidable carbon pollution from the atmosphere.

Through Green Skies, you’re paying for USA Green -E RECs to be retired to offset your specific private or commercial flight carbon dioxide emissions. REC “retirement” is the event when credits are permanently de-listed from the market registry on behalf of a buyer. This means they cannot be re-sold and the offset transaction is complete.